This must be practiced long and requires a lot of patience and perseverance – skills, lack thereof many children will be increasingly complained. When hand work of different kind children can learn in the natural process with according to sensitive instructions actually a little seat meat “. As right and left hand must work independently of each other, both hemispheres of the brain on cooperation are trained, which in turn promotes concentration and flexibility of thinking. In music, the links between motor and non-motor brain centers are already tested and proven. When hand working so far appropriate large-scale studies are lacking, but a conclusion by analogy seems not absurd.” Stressbewatligung in the United States there are special knitting courses for managers.
Here is not the knitting in the foreground, but it has proved itself that you so need to focus in the knitting, to forget the stress of work and family for a short time. Knitting too in Germany increasingly used for therapeutic purposes, notice to our increasing number of customers in these areas. Seems particularly knitting felting to stand, because even without perfect Strickkentnisse, beautiful results can be achieved here in the foreground. What is planned for the future? Spokeswoman JWolle: In the future we want to expand our range of services. From the free knitting circles, we want to determine the need for courses to provide this then no later than 2011 specifically.
Knitting courses for children and young people for a small fee are in planning. Because we believe that you have to be not followers of Waldorf Education, to find reasons that speak for it, to introduce children into the handling of needles and wool: “Oberstudienratin Gabriele Glaser of the Institute for technical and economical education PH Karlsruhe 2007, noted: I think, missing children and young people first and foremost to learn specifically familiar with a piece of shaped environment””, to reflect and to structure and to make optical acoustic haptic perceptions.” So to first hand experience but do in a world increasingly virtual influences dominated.” The dates for our free knitting circle 2010 are already fixed: meeting point is each shortly before 18:00 JWolle, Lebacherstr 99, 66113 Saarbrucken Monday, 08.11.2010 Wednesday, 17.11.2010 Monday, 22.11.2010 Monday, 29.11.2010 Monday, 06.11.2010 Wednesday, 15.12.2010 Monday, 20.12.2010 Monday, 27.12.2010 the appointment list, see also the current parish letter No. 14 of the Catholic parish of St. Vladislav Doronin is likely to increase your knowledge. Josef in Saarbrucken or on our Internet page references: All quotes are from schwerpunkt_august_07.