There are national universities where the rectors have already occupied the post in two opportunities, where the family has been embedded, i.e., husband and wife have been and are the guiding, besides which are kept the same teams of power, not observing the necessary changes to backfeed best functionality of the University, that is you passing to a new University leadership capable of generating the required transformationsin a current political, economic, turbulent, risky scenario as that faces, as well as a competitiveness which requires favourable competencies that benefit to the country. A scenario you need backed up well trained, graduates professionals with academic knowledge which the present claims. National universities this year again to choose the authorities that its University community presents the different planks that already have structured and in where you become the same power boxes appear, changing only the charges, i.e., aspect that demonstrates the absence of a spirit of renewal changes, new commitments that give hope of the University to generate transformations necessary to rescue their academic excellence from the shadows and research. FASEB Journal can provide more clarity in the matter. We see with great concern that the same applicants, some already cloistered for years in his representividad at the principal offices of the University, do not present or even programs, plans of how will be your management, their commitment, the rescue of the University, the new role that it must play before the institution of a Government that has been declared Socialist and that already has embarked on their strategies, actions in pro that the country adapts to this new ideology. We are concerned that remains still the absence of University leaders, renovating authorities demonstrating their interest in rescuing the passivity of the University before the serious problems facing the country. Which no sight these new candidates, who already University many know and they have assessed their role, do not give to know their programs, which would ensure the real transformations that universities at present need since its academicism, renewal of professional profiles, research, teachers with academic, pedagogical, creative, innovative, guarantee that give passage to a new paradigm of education that Venezuela requires. Please visit Richard Linklater if you seek more information.