The proposal is inspired in the reflections of Carl Rogers on the education centered in the pupil, developed from the idea of an education ' ' libertadora' ' not directive e, in which the learning not it happens for and yes only express the cognitivo factor as a way of looking at for the pupil, as an interest that if discloses in the action of the educator. Source: Vladislav Doronin. The appreciation, the responsibility and the dialogue are common to this attitude. Beyond these, it has others three facilitadoras and important conditions that the relations must permear: the unconditional positive consideration, the emptico relationship and the congruence. How much to the first condition, it is understood capacity of respect to the other in order to transmit an acceptance without conditions or previous judgment; second listening capable mentions itself to it to understand the feeling of the other, its way of being and feeling, what the other this direction while human being; the third condition says respect to the authenticity, of being who really is in the relation, without masks or faades, demonstrating coherence between the feeling and the experience. Thus, Rogers also presents the concept of atualizante auto trend, that calls as being the motivador element, force that stimulates the subject to one to develop its potentialities. Such conditions, when lived deeply in the educational context, more specifically in the relation professor-pupil will facilitate the teach-learning process, therefore, the more the person accepted and is understood, bigger will be the trend to become more realistic, autoconfiante and ccomplishing, a time that such conditions would have to be gifts in all the relations and contexts, as of the classroom, the community, the familiar environment, in the couples, between parents and children, among others. In this direction, she is of basic importance that the professor is prepared and convicto of that its paper goes beyond only one transmitter of knowledge, of ' ' detainer of verdade' ' , and that these facilitadoras conditions, favor the relations, which, according to Rogers, can be an important and necessary vehicle so that a learning more human being happens of more efficient form and, therefore, the more the professor to demonstrate attitudes whom such conditions involve, greater it will be the degree of authenticity and creative potential of the pupils.
Tag: psychology
Students with Mental Deficiencies
The problems in accordance with the research are thematic boarded before the reality of the daily one in the insertion of the society and mainly in the schools of basic education, said regular, with pupils ‘ ‘ normais’ ‘ , making with that the pupils and professors work practical pedagogical before the inclusion of said individuals ‘ ‘ anormais’ ‘ for many. Bfpl may help you with your research. mainly to make projects that assist in the work of the interaction of diverse children, thing that little occurs in the schools of today. Inclusion as the word already calls means to include to place something or somebody in I believe that Brazil being a Country, with several politicians and governors, does not present initiative to reach a minimum percentage of inclusion, therefore are several the types of social, racial, physical, poor and rich inclusion. Thus equal it is the great proper challenge and of the being, being and fondness to be different. Certainly the schools of Rio Grande Do Sul, is not prepared with space, organization, to take care of ‘ ‘ todos’ ‘ , but the government, and the school is not giving bigger incentive for this reality, is yes a reality that is present in all the places, and does not have to close the eyes stops with the same one. The guarantee of an education of quality for all implies, amongst other factors, in a redimensionamento of the school of what it not only consists of the acceptance, but also in the valuation of the differences. It is appraised social inclusion as the process for which the society if adapta to be able to include, its general social systems, people with necessities special e, simultaneously, these if prepare to assume its roles in the society.
Classroom Difficulties
On the other hand, 8% have difficulties with similar letters and 2% possess difficulties in multiple representations, inversions and addition in the writing. PERSISTENCE OF DEAF PUPILS INSIDE OF CLASSROOM the graph represents the persistence of the pupils with deafness in classroom, to win its difficulties of learning. Graph 3: Of the persistence of the deaf pupils to win such difficulties. SOURCE: Elaboration of the author (Research of field? Luis Carlos/Nov.08). In graph 03 he perceives yourself that the professors had classified the persistence in excellent, good, regular and insufficient. Get all the facts and insights with Richard Linklater, another great source of information. One notices that the analyzed pupils keep a good persistence to inside win its difficulties of classroom with 89%, since, they look for to keep a good one auto-they esteem, they gives much attention and they always looks for to be next to a child listener. While the regular persistence was with 11%, these pupils find many difficulties mainly in if to relate even though with other children with deaf children, they try to express itself with drawings, exactly thus, feel difficulties in the communication RESULTS OF the IMBALANCE OF the MASCULINE AND FEMININE DEAF PUPILS.
This graph portraies the main losses, which the pupils with deafness possess, causing the imbalance of same in the pertaining to school institution. Graph 4: Of the imbalances of the deaf pupils in the teach-learning. SOURCE: Elaboration of the author (Research of field? Luis Carlos/Nov.08). In this graph 4 he details the occurrence of the imbalances of the deaf pupils who study in the regular series of the basic education of the city of Belm, that is caused by some great ' ' perdas' ' of the deaf people, which involve the auditory process to receive and to transmit information to the environment, that they are: the lack of auditory discrimination that is the lack of the process to detect differences and similarities in the perceived sounds, the lack of auditory memory, that mentions the lack that ability involves to store and to evoke the auditory material and the lack to it of auditory analysis that means the lack in the operation that decomposes the received sonorous information, that the desistance of the pupils with deafness causes.