More look towards back, harder will be looking towards front must know to take the time that we are allowed to remain in this dimension, cultivate positive thoughts, do not let us catch, or trampling by all that which causes us stress, depletes our energy, pessimism, frustration, stress, in particular, anything that affects our behavior, conduct. It is a duty of each one while we remain in this dimension give way to all those transformations, actions that we provide happiness, growth, that we seize the opportunity to live intensely. Precisely, to achieve this, we have contributions that resilience provide us, taking into account that as says Osborn (1996), is a generic concept that refers to a wide range of risk factors and their relationship with the results of the competition. It may be caused by a conjunction between environmental factors and temperament, and a type of cognitive ability that have some children even if they are very small and as Vanistendael (1994) indicates, the resiliency distinguishes two components: resistance against destruction, i.e., the ability to protect the own integrity, under pressure and, on the other hand, more than resistance, the ability to forge a vital behavior positive despite the difficult circumstances. Source: Adam B. Shaw. At this writing, contribute some notes about the relevance of this topic, so we have selected a few notes that invite the reader to evaluate positive and relevant scope of manage properly what it encloses. To achieve the objective, we have selected those which we consider very significant and complement the important of their relevance, scope and impact. Program graduate specializing in quality management and productivity of the Area of postgraduate of Faces, of the University of Carabobo through its Chair of organizational behavior, provides knowledge, tools that should be considered in order to know to deal with situations, problems, and give way to solutions that prevent insastifaccion, stress, conflict, and is known to handle the situation and conducive to the company towards the achievement of its objectives. .