The manipulation politics of the resources and the distribution of income also are strong aggravations that directly affect the wage of professors of public education. In the states and cities economically developed the wages they are a little better, but they do not attract the competitiveness and they become desestimulante due the high cost of living. To be professor in the North of the country, for example, is a challenge, therefore in a region whose inflation is of 6,8% to the year, greater that of Brazil, professors has that to make jugglings to reach significant a economic standard and thus to satisfy its necessities of consumption. The WAGES AND FORMS OF REMUNERAO OF the PROFESSORS IN BRAZIL Research made for the PENAD? 2006 had evidenced that the wage average of the professors in Brazil is of R$ 927,00, and the medium one, the point where 50% of the professors receive below from this value is of R$ 720,00. In accordance with the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education? LDB – Law n 9394/96 in its article 61 to 67 the dedicated one to the professional of the education in its emphasis given to the formation of the professor, describes on questions as the professional valuation, plain and career and the wage floor, but without fixing no concrete base or ways for the efetivao of such proposal leaving the positions of state and municipal managers. In relation to the dedicated time to the studies, planning and evaluation of the professors, are located that this is enclosed in the horria load of the professor. However one observes that these activities are carried through outside of the horria load, therefore 4 daily hours are of effective exercise in classroom, 20 hours in the total, and 5 hours of planning it divides many times between planejamentos, meetings, studies and all the activities demanded for the pedagogical work. .