The original towns say: I used if it during 500 years, why I need that they say to me that is good? , and enters here shared in common concept of the medicine: the western medicine requires a scientific validation. At heart, then, one is one double proposal: to improve the accessibility – we have to 90 thousand original people, said Mate to the official health and to leave indigenous medicine it spills on huincas. At KDP you will find additional information. Minister Mate said: Will be difficult, because the laws are thought from the West. I do not know what will think the medical schools if we propose to put in an institution a person who is not medical making therapeutic, but is necessary to make the debate. So far, already they want that by the end of the 2007 there are a pilot center with attention forms and indigenous therapies. They demand a sanitary center mapuche in the Awnings. – The flags announce in mapuche an encounter in school 6, called by the grouping Epu Bafkeh (two water eyes). It is Sunday and the babies entertain themselves in the infantile games.
There is much people, around tables, hoping to the colt, slaughtered the Saturday, that roasts slow. Mapuches is located in circle and the assembly they go the microphone of hand in hand. They request earth restitution, a health center mapuche and that their form of attention is not considered exercise illegal of the medicine. In that place they raised tolderas of the tribe voroga of the cacique Ignacio Coliqueo, Indian friend, that fought first for Urquiza and soon secured the legal cession of 16,400 hectares, by laws of 1866 and 1868. Then, there was a long process in opposition to the communitarian Earth conception.
In little more than 100 years, the collective property happened to be individual. They sold many them, badly, to go away to the town. In a small piece of these earth a house that belongs to the Bishopric of 9 of Julio, in a land of 2,875 meters square rises today. It is vacated, say in the encounter, from 1998. And they want now it to sell. Mapuches nails red flags in the door and a flag that it proclaims: Territory mapuche. In that house they want to raise the health center where they can take care of machis, to work the yerbateras, and to produce derivatives of the medicinal grass, as dyes or creams.