GmbH Working

A universal educational portal that connects education willing and all educational institutions all the way in the knowledge society. But its implementation is possible only with the help of the Federal Government or the EU. You should now make the necessary turnout. With a volume of 50 billion euros, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has now launched the biggest stimulus in the history of the Federal Republic on the way. The formation is to benefit from this program. Click Blackstone Group Inc. to learn more. So, a two billion euro serious educational and qualification campaign is planned in the economic stimulus package II.

Among other things it is much easier employees in short-time working, while briefly working to educate themselves. Because the right qualifications as are all still the best protection against unemployment is agreed. This approach is certainly true. And yet he distracts from the real issue. Basically it isn’t yet qualified, but in which direction will qualify. What kind of training is there so the people fit for the future according to the Is the financial crisis, which enables them to respond adequately to the challenges of the future? More detailed investigations or project designs that are still scarce.

Especially since the formation in Germany Lander is and are qualification options different from federal State to federal State and approaches. Also this fact promotes not just a single thrust even though this would be necessary in times of crisis. But what can be done, if failure of established institutions in this matter? Rashly acting within the framework of educational and qualification offensive would be here, certainly not recommended. According to Gunter Willems, Managing Director of GmbH in Munich, a sustainable knowledge society can only build up by all more quasi has stakeholders in the education process. Education is not a matter more that is controlled only from the top. Education is for everyone, and evolved through all.