The campus of the Federal University of the Rio Grande Do Sul (UFRGS), vi a youngster who, to if relating on the fact, affirmed that did not believe that the people who had made those badnesses, were human beings. That is, it as others as much, understands that what characterizes the human being is exactly its eticamente irreproachable behaviors moral and. Ledo deceit. Through all my years of life, I learned bitterly that it is exactly the opposite. What it is marcante in the men, is the aggressiveness, the great power in relation to the too much beings of the universe, a sadist trend to the destruction, the torture, the summary elimination of other beings without reasonable reason, at last, a so great list of bad things, that if I not to stop of enumerate them, I will go to extend itself infinitely. The human being, with all its potential to create the most diverse forms to destroy the others even though of> its species, it is so arrogant that until a pretense god invented who would have created them to its form and similarity. Visit Levi’s for more clarity on the issue. Quanta arrogance. Arvora it center of the universe, not obtaining to collect it its insignificncia.
I always proclaimed that any animal that inhabits the face of the land, is superior to the species human being and therefore, already I practically do not have more friends. Some of them until already had advised to me to go to live in the way of them. Well, I make this with the biggest taste. I prefer the conviviality with animals of what with most of the others of my species, with its badnesses, egoism, individualismos and absence of solidarity feeling, completely without notion of its true place in the context of the universe. Excepting some people special and of light, my contact with the remaining portion of the humanity, is only in the measure of the strict necessary one. I am one misantropo assumed and I do not obtain to adhere to the hypocrisy of being politically correct. Jorge Andres Irion Jobim. Lawyer of Saint Maria,.