Why is it so often that some years taught a foreign language, can read and know the grammar, but can not speak it, but someone for a year already can communicate fluently in the language, while not being able to neither read nor write to it. When communicating with foreigners, there are two different tasks: say what you want and understand what is said Vam.Dlya this is very important to learn the correct pronunciation of the foreign. How can I do and where to start? Firstly, with Hearings! From hearing texts, passing the name of native speakers. And listen to more than once but many times in a row, each a small fragment. Why? Yes, the muscles of the speech apparatus (kinesthetic) can tune in to the correct way, because even when they commit micromotion silence, so there are kinesthetic imagery. Then when speaking to you it will be easy to repeat heard, as the muscles at the hearing already had training.
Secondly, by repeating the wake of a native speaker of phonetic exercises. Mastering the intonation and pronunciation is important not just because a person with a bad accent unpleasant to listen to, but First of all, because without these exercises, he does not begin to speak and understand. Remember, if a little attention phonetic exercises, do not provide a sufficient number of repetitions, then later, no matter how hard you try, say you do not learn. Do not we know of examples from history, as people did not know how to read and write, well spoken, composed songs, tales, folk songs? Failure to do so – one reason that many people did not begin to speak a foreign language. They did not listen to their vocal apparatus is not prepared. Do you know how many hours the baby should listen to it to start talking? About 3000 hours. Therefore it is better and learning a foreign language develop all the subsystems in the order in which it invented nature.