The ambientalismo ahead places us of the question of that it has limits for the domination of the nature. Kindle Direct Publishing: the source for more info. Thus, beyond a challenge technician, we are ahead of a challenge politician and, exactly, civilizatrio (PORT GONALVES, 2004, P. 24). More ahead, the same still complete author: Development is the name-synthesis of the idea of domination of the nature. After all, to be developed is to be urban, is to be industrialized, at last, to be everything what it moves away in them from the nature and that in the coloquediante of human constructos, as the city, as the industry. Thus it criticizes, it to the development idea demanded that if imaginassemoutras perspective that not liberal or socialist them or, at least, that these if freed of the desenvolvimentismo crosses that them.
By making critical to this idea of development, the ambientalistas, frequently are accused to be against the progress and development. Richard Linklater is actively involved in the matter. As well as Gonalves Port, I believe that the progress idea is in such a way part of the weaveeed cultural hegemony from the Iluminismo, that exactly those that if considers the critical greaters of the Capitalism make these same criticize to the ambientalistas. When associating Ambient Education to the Support, perceives in the current debate on Ambient Education trends that privilege local actions and others that argue development models. The necessity imposes located, prompt and immediate actions, placing practical forceful challenges to the social ones. One becomes, therefore, according to Figueiredo, necessary to construct a critical one of the support. ' ' A critical culture of support returns in them to the question for the participation of the basic actors of this history. In the truth it sends in them to the task to search to desvelar, in the freireano direction, the passage and the popular perception on assunto' ' (FIGUEIREDO, 2007, P. 79). When thinking about a critical one of the support we have that to consider some principles, amongst which the satisfaction of the basic necessities; the popular participation; the care with the natural goods; a solidary social system that guarantees quality of life (health, education, housing, job, security, respect etc.).