Ah! My friend said that the friend of it said that another reason of the professors to be leaving of being professor is the wage: he said that merreca is one. Back in Ainodnor, nor the professor, nor the school, and nor the majority of the parents, are obtaining to teach the children to fulfill rules and to have limits. The laws do not leave, therefore to establish limits it has that to establish sanctions, and the children cannot there be sancionadas because has law that it forbids sanctions. He said, and I found nonsense, that if professor to speak of form more energetic with pupil, already comes parents and directors and other agencies (type our advice to tutor and public prosecution service, but this there of them that he has other impronunciveis names), asking the reason of the professor to want to be energetic. If the professor to cry out in classroom, can until being imprisoned, therefore the child is constrangido. But the children can everything, until taking off the calmness of other children. But if this happens, in a room of lesson, this they say, the guilt are of the professor, who does not have room domain. I found a nonsense, but this is only there, of them.
E the professor (but this only there with them) finishes there perceiving that already it does not have more nothing to make. leaves of being professor to vender COMPACT DISC Pirate. That it is not only COMPACT DISC there Pirate, there is Alternative Record. (Only that are squared records But they twirl! Good itself as it is, alone I do not know that it is thus.). the professor earns much more with this of what giving lesson. It only has that to run away from the policy, of time in when, but thing is alone it to be emotive. there the Ministry of the Education, there of them, walks making campaign, speaking of the wonder that is to be professor. That nobody more only believes, therefore they already know there that who makes propaganda is because it is in crisis. There I said pro my friend: Still well that here he is different. He is well worse! Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historiador.Leia more: ; ; ; ;