In January 1946 trip to Europe, London, Oxford, Paris … in that year his anthology appears hundred greatest Spanish poems of exile. In 1948 he returned to Mexico. In 1953 he accepted a permanent contract to host the Editorial Section of ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America), an agency of the United Nations in Chile. Ten years later the secretariat deals first and then the Deputy Director of ECLAC in Mexico. Back to Santiago de Chile to publishing director of Latin American Economic and Social Institute (ILPES) from 1967 to 1972. It gets to be repaid in ECLAC to finally play the position of director of the division of documents and conferences, where he remained until 1975, returning to Spain to live between Nerja and Madrid. Help in many newspapers and magazines: ABC, Araucaria, Heliopolis, Insula, Coastline, The Country, Town, South Trilce …
In 1987 the City Council adopted children Nerja Nerja named Francisco Giner de los Rios and his wife Maria Luisa Diez Canedo "to show much love and dedication to Nerja. Day made his work. Poetry: 1934-1952 (1953) puts before us a comprehensive overview of its creation until then, in subsequent years published poetry collections and new releases. In May 1940 he published The live branch, which has an enthusiastic foreword by Juan Ramon Jimenez. "With its constant burning," says the poet Moguer-loa cross-fire of eternal love. Francisco Giner de los Rios (what luck. Absent whole genera and free, now bearing the wearer your name !)…
a young poet, whose inner life, beautiful Spanish in tight pink ember, explodes with language of true poetry and true love, the only possible redeeming our deaf life. " These lines were juveniles, in part, written before the exile of the poet and published in Mexico. Romancerillo first passion and of faith came to light in 1941. In 1948 publishes Laureles Oaxaca. Later see the light of Mexican Poems (1958), Crying with Emilio Prados (1966) Spanish Elegies and poems (1966) and Algarrobo For Tabo, the lights of Valparaiso (1980) and Draft New Year (1986) Along with his wife Maria Luisa Diez-Canedo translated Norman Byzantine Empire H. Baynes. And as the poet said he suffered the bitterness and loneliness of exile, but never was defeated in his love Nerja: "I do not quiteis air / or steal me the rose, / and I hide behind the sky. / On a mountain of Spain / I want to see them again. " Francisco Arias Solis The world is our homeland, our brothers, those who defend freedom everywhere … (Phrase Salvochea Fermin glossed in the book: 102 reasons to remember Salvochea) of Internet Portal for Peace and Freedom and Free Forum. URL: