Young Education In Brazil

Trajectory of the Education of Young and Adults in Brazil the Education of Young and Adults in Brazil is a modality of education directed for people who for some reason had not had access to regular education in the adequate age. It believed that this modality appeared for the necessity of the creation of politics publishes of education directed toward the young education of adult that oportunizasse reingresso of these pupils to basic and average education as way to fight the illiteracy and the high indices of repetncia. The education that Pablo Freire glimpses is not only politically utilitarian. Not objective it to only create new pictures for a new type of society. More human being has a proposal politically, to create, with the power of knowing of the freed man, a new man, also exempts of inside for is.

(BRANDO 2005, P. 87) In this direction, the trajectory of the EJA in Brazil initiated its history in the decade of 30 with a great landmark in the politics public Brazilian opening space for new economic and educational lines of direction. At a time that the Brazilian society passed for significant transformations, associates for the process of industrialization with the growth of the population in great urban centers, the Union searched to extend the attendance of the education and to trace educational lines of direction for all the charged country the states and the city to execute this educational goal that has for objective to stimulate the young amplitude of elementary education for adult. This after provokes the taking of position of the State in the redemocratizao of the parents the military dictatorship of 1937-1945, from these estimated the EJA was marked by the conception of ‘ ‘ erradicar’ ‘ the illiteracy. The system praised the formation would assume the task to offer cultural services in some levels: popular, secondary, daily pay-college student, college student, through what the adults would have the chance to carry through not an emergency course, but a process I continue and so complete how much it was possible to educate basic.


'You realize that behave wrong, but emotions erupt, and you "suffered". You immediately remember that you have long flowing faucet in the kitchen, which leg of the couch is broken, that the corridor bookshelf hangs on "parole", etc. And then you apply the latest facility. Go to a psychologist. And you already go to a psychologist year and it seems the situation is somewhat improved. You calm down and stop his visits.

And a couple of months it all starts again. And all you need to understand something of her husband. You just need a tool. As such a new instrument are the manipulative mode. The short answer is that a woman will receive, knowing manipulation modes. She gets everything she wants.

Tender affection, loyalty, love, money, friendship, understanding, African passion. As a rule, women choose all together and they are right. Why a man begins to obey you? All this happens because manipulative modes are proof-of human behavior. The mechanism of action is simple manipulation modes. Absolutely everyone has their own personal manipulative regimes, he needed to stabilize its own psychology and physiology, which means he needs, like water. So he starts looking for the carrier of psychological properties of their individual modes in the social environment, family, friends, at work. Broadcast manipulative regimes is a translation of certain psycho-physiological properties, as it were quite certain facial features. And your man is no exception. He looks for certain character types without stopping, all my life. Now you understand the nature Choice and antipany arise between people? Since the "love of evil, love and a goat," "Love can not be forced," "Lawless Heart." Indeed, not order. Now you understand the answer, why are you to him with all my heart, and he …? It simple to explain: Do you offer the other person what you yourself consider valuable, but it is not necessary. And what should be your man? He needs a translation of his manipulation modes. They talk about what needs to be someone who you interested. The Power of the manipulation modes due to the fact that your man is collecting the crumbs of what he wanted, and suddenly … you are appearing. And give him all at once. What gets your man? He gets a feeling of happiness and comfort to you that nobody will give him more than not. Stabilization of psychophysiology gives men a sense of comfort, pleasure, which eventually turns into a woman and a sense of gratitude is expressed in love for her, money, despite the fact that she chooses.