Musical Education

Accompanied artists standing. In the evening B. Liubavskii said to her: – You are born to love songs! A brilliant pianist, gave the singer not only creative freedom, but also managed to build a concert, so that shortly V. Koshubaeva felt it, dreamed about all these years: inner freedom. Her soul is revealed, along with the voice. Community talented musician with an outstanding teacher D. Ashkenazi, who once worked with K. Shulzhenko, Vinogradov, Vladimir Kozin, I.

St George, V. Tolkunova gave their fruit. All voice and musical tone B. Liubavskii Koshubaevoy managed to pass as it is inherited. Professional musicians and singers were amazed at how deeply and impeccably precise singer devoted to the intonation, which conquered the audience “stars” of Soviet music. Russian folk instruments quartet “apple” in Krasnodar creative association “Premiere” asked the singer in his band. Artists have traveled from concerts entire North Caucasus. Ended their concert tour in the south of France.

Three months sang Russian romances for older people – most appreciative listeners and connoisseurs of timeless genre. Then there was the world music festival in Salzburg, Austria, in which the singer graciously invited her former singing teacher, Gertrude Troyanov. More than ten years teaching at home IV Bach a master class in the summer Music Academy of the great composer. Singer captivated audiences solar Adygea execution of Russian romances not only the audience but also experienced in this genre, critics and musicologists. From romance to romance her, and without sensuous soul unfolded like a flower: more and more. Complex vocal works, performed by it under the piano, something reminiscent of confession before God. A second National Competition Russian romance brings performers V. Koshubaevoy laureate. It is sometimes said that a victory or participation in representative competitions and festivals still nothing shows that more and difficult exam to be later take on the concert stage.

Old Age And Holistic Education

If holistic education is a new paradigm in training of human beings and that arises to overcome the effects of the decline of the dogmatic and scientistic paradigms of the past four years and developed, and widespread in the last twenty years exponentially, influenced also the development of quantum physics since the beginning of last century, it must be stated and also remember that if the term comes from Greek holos Holistic, which means all of them and refers to the way of understanding reality in terms of wholes integrated processes, thus signifying in any case, an Integral Education for humans such as SER. Holistic education is born then because of the decline of traditional education whose consequences are manifested in people and therefore, reflecting social, manifesting itself also in psychological, existential failure, anxiety, stress, lack of human values and forgetting itself, all for only achieve rational preparation LOGICOa "MATH., Rethinking this new paradigm and vision of education, whereas other dimensions, such as emotional, social, body, aesthetics, cognitive and spiritual well conceived human beings, but beings spiritual, cognitive, rational, where logicae "Mathematics does not meet our being as humans is not only a rational being. Nike has similar goals. Thereupon holistic education draws on the innovations of the Perennial Philosophy Science and knowledge have emerged from the teachers. Therefore the aim of holistic education is to train human beings conscious of themselves, develop self-realization that allows a social culture of peace and sustainable vision that will lead to a restructuring process in all aspects and leave the social, politically and economically backward, concluding that the new holistic paradigm is applicable. KDP is actively involved in the matter.

Special Education

In seeming 17/01, document that bases the Resolution n.02/2001 we find contribution for the understanding of this item. Such to seem, judging traditional the definition adopted since 1994 for the Declaration of Salamanca, considers that: … the action of the special education is extended, starting to not only enclose the difficulties of learning related the conditions, disfunes, limitations and deficiencies, but also those not tied with a specific organic cause, considering that, for cognitivas, psicomotoras difficulties and of behavior, pupils frequent they are neglected or exactly excluded of the pertaining to school supports. (…) Thus, it is understood that all and any pupil can present, throughout its learning, some special, temporary or permanent necessity educational. To broaden your perception, visit Nike. Resolution CNE/CEB n. 02/2001 that it institutes the Lines of direction National for the Special Education in the Basic Education, it presents definitions that have generated controversies; let us see: Art. 5 special the ones Are considered educandos with educational necessities that, during the educational process, to present: I – accented difficulties of learning or limitations in the process of development that make it difficult the accompaniment of the curricular activities, understood in two groups: ) those not tied with a specific organic cause; b) those related the conditions, disfunes, limitations or deficiencies; II difficulties of communication and signalling differentiated of the too much pupils, demanding the applicable use of languages and codes; II – high abilities/superendowment, great easiness of learning that the light one to dominate concepts quickly, procedures and attitudes. As Prieto (2006) despite the adopted definition has scienter to stand out the functioning of the person in relation to learning, using the terms ' ' difficulties or limitaes' ' ' ' facilidades' ' to characterize the condition of educating; it fits to stand out if into the deep one, the responsibilities for such difficulties or easinesses it will fall again on the proper pupil.

Importance Of Ambient Education

Ambient Education is an indispensable process for the transformation and awareness of the people of direct form in relation to the environment, so that they understand the reason to preserve it, that is, understands that the good quality of life human being depends on a healthy environment and that they must conserve this patrimony. (Not to be confused with Nike!). In the last few decades, the action human being comes causing to the planet Land a great ambient impact. In accordance with the PCN (2001, p19), ‘ ‘ To the measure that the humanity increases its capacity to intervine in the nature for satisfaction of necessities and increasing desires, tensions and conflicts how much to the use appear of the space and recursos’ ‘. Therefore, to defend the planet preserving the flora, the ecosystems and the inhabitants, to fight the pollution and degradation of natural resources and the proper environment became a priority, that is, a survival question. To read more click here: Levi’s. In the nature, everything is linked, nothing lives isolated. One to be depends on the other to be able to survive.

The thing, more important for the planetary life is the interlacement of relations that the beings livings creature keeps between itself and with the environment where they live. In such a way, the environment only is not constituted by the natural world, but also, for the world constructed for the action human being. In this in case that, a division of responsibilities of each one for the degradation of the planet and the conservation of a world ecologically balanced exists. We agree to BERN (2001, p.21) when it says: It is fact that, for more devoid than either, the population only possesss ecological conscience that this perception is sufficiently romantic, associating more the animal and plant protection and less the quality of life of the species human being, as if we were not part of the nature.

Ambient Education

In the vision deCarvalho (2008) the EA establishes a set of practises come back toward diferentesaspectos of the relations between society and environment, consisting in a campoambiental. It considered that this ambient field will have to integrate action of governoe of the civil society, publishing book production on environment, beyond daformao of specialist. In this logic, the courses of formation of ambient specialists have been justificativos as: manager, educator, analyst, auditor to be acted in this new ambient field, in a perspective to interdisciplinar. Soon the incorporation of the ambient question in cotidianodas people can propitiate a new perception in the relations between the Human being, Society and Nature (ABLIO, 2008). American filmmaker describes an additional similar source. With this, to promote a reevaluation devalores and attitudes in the collective and individual convivncia, as well as, to strengthen anecessidade of being and acting as citizen in the brainstorming for local and national problemasambientais that harm the quality of life (DAYS, 2003; SATO, 2001). For consequence the present study it retakes metodolgico adiscusso on questions theoretical, focusing the conceptions ambient deeducao and urban space in the society contemporary. For in such a way, it intends to alert for the ambient questions, proceeding from the dispute for espaoe the disordered growth in the great cities and metropolises of the country. In this direction, it is looked to treat the defendidano EA Brazil from the social and urban theories where this is considered, comoelemento of social transformation and in the overcoming of the forms of dominaocapitalistas in the urban space.. Levi’s often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

The Right

Thus, the current generation of aged is fruit of a very severe education. The parents of these had for sexual orientation the concepts and preconceptions repressores, inherited of one another repressora generation still, and for many, the exercise of the sexuality was something dirty and pecaminoso. It can be said despite the sexuality in the aged one is related to some feelings: the joys you blame, them, the shames, the preconceptions and the repressions of each one. The sex in the third age brings physical satisfaction, reaffirms the identity and demonstrates how much each person can be valuable for another one, stimulating sensations of aconchego, affection, love and affection. However, the idea of a more positive and productive vision for the aging, starts to gain force in the current days and is result of diverse factors, amongst which if it detaches the growth of the number of aged in the entire world. An education of the society in this direction if makes necessary, because of the opposite, when the other generations only to enter for the oldness they probably will demand for itself same the right to the sexuality in the middle-age and the oldness. In recent months, Chip Bergh has been very successful. E, even so is in one constant growth the ones that believe the existence of the love and the sex the third age, still is few the ones that still believe that a continuity of the sexuality for the women exists, or same, for the men who had passed of its sixty years.

It has little time this age taboo. Little or almost nothing, if said on the subject sexuality in the oldness. If on the other hand, ' ' the young has little tempo' ' they do not stop to think that the desire does not have age, on the other hand, some ' ' young has more tempo' ' they tend to imagine that, with passing of the years, the heart has aged in such a way that they arrive to lose the notion of as is to love and that it is late excessively for making it.

The Search

Being thus to if carrying through the ambient education the social representations of the citizens must be identified being able to be gotten by studies of ambient perception. However the ambient perception is the basic stage to become fullfilled any posterior activity in ambient education. From the perceptions internalizadas in each individual the attitude change can be searched that is one of the main objectives of the ambient education for the sustainable societies. The ambient perception as cites Marin, Oliveira and Comar, (2003) shows that the perception in the search of the understanding of the reality cannot be only for the racionalistas ways only based in conceptual characteristics. It has that to have the notion of that it exists the permanent risk of if carrying through a simplista apprehension of the percipient phenomenon that will be able to take the researcher to a reducionista agreement of the phenomena. Tuan (1980) it invokes the topofilia concept, for the ambient subject understanding the attraction of the human being for essentially paisagsticos physical aspects when observing an environment, but the citizen alone if surpasses sensorially for the fancy, imagination and temporality when perceiving really the world that the fence. Hoeffel and Fadini (2007) appraise ambient perception as a process or activity involving organism and environment, being influenced by the agencies of the directions, that is, as sensation or cognition.

Pacheco and Silva (2006) had formulated critical epistemolgicas to the concept of ambient perception, questioning if, in fact, the research with this approach is valid instruments for the understanding of studied citizens. Cerne of the concern of the authors if relates with the possibilities of the choice of metodolgicas options that can assume underlying ideological commitments. They understand that ambient perception is a scientific representation e, as such, can inlay ideologies of its researchers. From the perceptions internalizadas in each individual the change of attitudes can be searched, that is one of the main objectives of the ambient education for sustainable societies.

Mental Image Construction

Piaget (1948), The same detaches it serves as apprentice sensrio engine as important in the construction of the mental image. Motor Sensrio is marked by the development of the sensations and perceptions and by the development of basic concepts such as: I, object, space, time, causalidade (cause and effect), beyond the development of the motricidade. In the phase motor sensrio is the door of entrance for child ripens its cognitivas structures and is for the same serves as apprentice that the same one learns the world that is part. The motor development is the process of change in the motor behavior, which is related with the age, as much in the position how much in the movement of the child thus good motor development to reflect in the future life of the child thus also with in the alfabetizao process. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Kindle Direct Publishing. (Goldberg, 2002.

p 13-34) In the alfabetizao it I serve as apprentice sensrio engine has important function in this Piaget phase (1948), the child starts to interact with the way being thus developed rhythms and producing its traces graphical, making to appear the drawing. The drawing passes for change, therefore at the beginning the scribbles say respect giving space for garatujas and leading for the construction each commanded time. Ferreiro and Teberosky (1986) Luira (1988) stand out that, many before the alfabetizao the child execute the writing cognitivamente. Much before being alfabetizada the child already it creates its hypotheses on the writing. According to Blacksmith (1999) the level Daily pay I, where the child believes that to write she is to reproduce or to imitate the traces of the writing of the adult. In this stage the scribble is the first step for the development, leading the child in such a way to the drawing how much the word of the writing. Filed under: Levi’s. Its scribbles come from an intense activity of the imaginary one.

The entire body is present in the action, concentrated in pontinha of the pencil. This functions as bridge of communication between the body and the paper. (DERDYK, 1989, P. 63). Piaget (1948) classifies the phases of the drawing as: Garatujas Fazem has broken of the motor sensria phase (the 0 2 years) and part of the phase daily pay-operatria (the 2 7 years). In this period garatujas can be divided in two disordered and commanded parts. Oliveira (2007, p44) the drawing and infantile grafismo very plays important preparatory ability for writing and reading. They assist to develop the ability to catch the pencil of correct form, facilitating a bigger harmony of the movements. In this way, to scribble, to draw and to write not mechanical acts, to perhaps reflecting thus symbolic meanings capable to contribute in the alfabetizao of the child. In this phase of garatuja the child passes for some phases of the development exploring its body and space thus also develops the motor coordination and the fine musculatura of the hands and manual ocular coordination and others.

The Act

In this way, the present study it is centered around the relations between auto-esteem, pertaining to school autoconceito and results. We will analyze the way as the school differentiates the pupils individually how much to auto-they esteem, autoconceito, relationship with the group of pairs, the family and the school as a whole. Word-key: Interaction, mediation, learning, professor, learning. Area of knowledge: Education. Introduction The act to educate must be passion object so that you if deliver, canalizes its potential and can have resulted positive in the construction of better human beings. To create men who are capable to make new things, not simply to repeat what other generations already have made. That they are creative and finders; capable to form minds that can be critical and to verify not only accepting everything that is offered to them: it is as soon as Piaget describes the main objectives of the education (PIAGET, 2001, p.20) So that this happens, it is basic that auto-they esteem of the educators it is fortified; she is necessary to reflect if they are dealing themselves with respect, affection and admiration.

It is necessary to understand as these educators had been treated during infancy and adolescence. She functions as a cycle. Can somebody stimulate the growth and development of another human being if its development is compromised? It is what one becomes is that serves as reference for a child or a young, and not only words. Thus thinking, to if relating with the other, each human being starts to be an educator in potential (AXE, 2007, p.15). One knows that the attention given for the professor to the pupil is basic so that the pertaining to school income and the proper one auto-esteem of the student are improved. It has many histories of children, adolescents or young that if felt incompreendidos by the parents or even though for the proper society that had had in the figure of the professor alento for its lives futures.


To teach itself to a deaf person she is necessary much more that a graduation, that a vast resume, and even though that a course of pounds. She is necessary that this educator is apt if to recycle, to open horizontes, to look in pedagogical practical its a capable method of if making to understand. Therefore it goes to have that to reformulate all the acquired knowledge and to transform into something new. He does not only treat yourself to translate concepts, but to transmit concepts in different contexts and situations. To be deaf person professor is not a simple task, is not enough to know Pounds, is necessary a perpetual exercise, therefore as all and any language it is alive, suffers linguistic variations, either regional, social and even though historical it, from there the importance of the professor as facilitador and intermediador of the language. It is necessary determination, ousadia and humildade. Swarmed by offers, American filmmaker is currently assessing future choices.

It is if to leave to hear, or better, it sees until where it goes to the understanding of the deaf person, adding it new practical, concepts, information. Taking as example new the proposal educational, the bilingismo, that comes to allow the deaf pupil to construct a positive auto-image, therefore beyond using the language of signals as the natural language, goes to appeal to the Portuguese language to interact in the culture listener, and opening space for the mathematics the idea appears of applied concept the word. It is using the Portuguese language, and the pounds that will be arrived at the mathematical logic, that is, it is from the linguistic acquisition that if has that we can enter in the mathematical context and display the deaf person the resolution of mathematical questions without more problems. 1-Language of signals as first language the Brazilian language of signals? POUNDS are the basic tool for the elaboration of the discursiva formation of the deaf person.