The structure of civilization can be represented as a truncated pyramid, which is divided vertically into five floors, each of which, in turn, includes a number of complementary elements. Basis, the foundation of the pyramid Civilization is a man – or rather, the family, the basic unit of society and its molecule (which, in turn, consists of indivisible atoms – the family members that perform complementary functions, but also possible from one family person who has to perform many but not all functions). It is in the family is preserved and reproduced biosocial genotype man is a change of generations of people, formed and met basic life needs, purchase the original knowledge and skills (which can then enrich and develop the education system), formed by the interests and will of man. The family – the source and destination points of social reproduction. Self-preservation of the family sets a limit to the destructive principles in crises and breaks in the transitional period, provides the basis for overcoming them. Destruction of the family ultimately would lead to the degeneration and death of atomized society.
The collection forms a family population, growing demographic laws specifying the amount and structure of society. Total population growth rate, population territory largely determine the level of social development, accumulating in its contradictions. The story began with the formation of civilizations in the Neolithic period monogamous family (extended family includes several generations of next of kin) as a socio-economic unit. With each new civilization changed the composition and functions of the family and its role in material and spiritual reproduction / family history of civilizations in the rhythm of change has be useful mutations (good innovation). Family – the basic reproductive unit of society.
It carried out the reproduction rights, not only the main productive force, but also purpose and meaning social reproduction. In the household in contemporary society, is spent by 30 – 40% (and in crisis situations – more) useful work, in private farms created by the family of consumption food, and in the home – the bulk of personal services (cooking, cleaning, child rearing, repair, and sometimes making clothes, etc.). But, of course, they do not exhaust the content of the basement Civilization (society). This is particularly true of man as an individual, the individual, disposing distinctive spiritual world, passing the stage of their life cycle, absorbing the flow of information and energy from family, society and brought back these flows in a modified form. Everyone is different, unique, but it serves as an atom mirror of society. No person, society – and there is no society without a man. The history of society – is story of many people, their destinies, conscious action, often spontaneous actions. History of Civilizations, the steps in the dynamics of society – it's consistent, full of contradictions and collaboration agony multiple personalities through consciousness and activity is apparent historical patterns, preserved and enriched the ancestral genotype, by the movement of society from one historical stage to another. The individual multifaceted, changeable, sometimes mysterious and inexplicable in their aspirations and actions, but precisely because of actions, the Commonwealth and the confrontation of millions and billions of individuals formed the course of historical progress.