Bullying means: to humiliate, to intimidate, to offend, to attack. What for much age ' ' normal' ' , adolescent and child thing is, in the truth, bullying – word in English who is used with the direction of zoar, enjoying, to tiranizar, to threaten, to intimidate, to humiliate, to isolate, to pursue, to ignore, to offend, to beat, to wound, to discriminate and to place maldosos nicknames. The gravity is that this standard of behavior is far from being innocent. It is treated, in the truth, of a riot that if characterizes for repetitive physical and moral aggressions, taking the victim to the isolation, the fall of the pertaining to school income, the emotional alterations and to the depression. No school can ignore such occurrence, comumente perceivable in its domnios. It fits to the school to restrain aggressive attitudes, protecting in such a way the aggressors how much the attacked ones. In fact, both, aggressive and attacked, present psychological problems that, in case that not treated, can blow up disastrously. The moral and physical siege is intense, leaving the victim constrangida and scared.
The education of the young in century XXI if has become something very difficult, due to absence of models and educational referenciais. The parents of yesterday, reveal lost in the education of the children of today. They are each time busier with the work and little time they make use to dedicate the education to it of the children. This, in turn, is delegated to others, or in case of minor families purchasing power, the children are deliver to the proper luck. The parents do not obtain to educate its children emotionally, neither, feel themselves qualified to decide conflicts by means of the dialogue and of the negotiation of rules. They opt many times to the arbitrariedade of not or the permissividade of yes, not offering no referencial of convivncia pautado in the dialogue, the understanding, the tolerance, the limit and the affection.