Thinking about these obstacles, Aktouf (1996, P. 136) it affirms that ' ' the organizacional communication, as is lead, teorizada and traditionally taught, it aims at much more it control and the domination of the situations and the employees of what ' ' to place ' in common; '. Filed under: Campbell Soup Co. The barriers to the communication are gifts in all the process comunicacional, but in the organizacional scope beyond the common barriers to the communicative process, others meet specify more directly applied to the organizacional communication. Gilson, Ivancevich and Donnelly (1981), point that diverse of the barriers to the communicative process of the organizations, they are directly on to the following points: Semantics: in what one becomes related to the different meanings that the people tie with the words, in this in case that, it is probable that a citizen attributes wrong meanings to a word or to a not-verbal communication. Filtering of the negative information: it happens mainly of the operational one for the tactician and tends to filter the negative effect not to dislike the superiors. Moreover, the filtering happens when a custom of punishment on the part of the managers exists stops with the carriers of bad notice and also when a message is passed by some people, causing loss of information and distortions of the original message.
Credibility of the transmitter: that it is basic element for an efficient leadership. This because, the more trustworthy the source of the message, greater will be its acceptance. Mixed signals: this point if relates directly to the position of the manager and what it enunciates, that is, it is necessary to present coherence between what it speaks and the way as if holds. Different structures of reference: it says respect to the perspectives and the based points of view in previous experiences. Judgment of value: it has to see with the act to judge before receiving the message complete.