Specialists and executives from a Turkish migrant background will find company at especially in Germany, there is a strong potential of bicultural Turks, which is often not sufficiently used by German companies. And so the Turkish-born residents form the second largest ethnic group after all in Germany. At least 250,000 academics are represented in this target group. You may wish to learn more. If so, Richard Linklater is the place to go. Turkvita puts focus on these high potentials”, characterized by intercultural competence and multilingualism. With turkvita a Web-based job portal for Turkish-born academics, cultivated a more transparent market between top companies with special requirements and highly qualified academics of Turkish origin. But not easy to access this target group there is, has committed turkvita to the target, to collect all relevant vacancies under one roof and to provide them the Turkish academics directly under turkivta.com. turkvita the special career portal which in the form of speech and Function exactly this intercultural audience focuses on providing occupying key positions in the domestic as well as overseas. To ethnic Turkish academics in Europe whether or to high potential in Turkey: companies adjust their vacancies accounting assistant Istanbul, junior product manager Istanbul, Finance Manager Turkey, senior Merchandiser textile Istanbul or software development Supervisior Istanbul at turkvita and reach qualified Turkish academics who are not to be found on other career portals.
By placing their jobs at turkvita company in Germany can find valuable personnel for the interface with regard to cultural requirements / meet and be found. turkvita has a candidate database with highly-qualified graduates and professionals with a Turkish background. This target group includes intercultural competences and multilingual skills, which are essential in the time of globalization and internationalization. The platform is aimed at Turkish-born high potentials as well as to companies in Germany and Turkey, who are interested in bi-cultural staff. “We want to improve the situation of the applicant, especially by German Turks, and give them a real chance of entry into Turkey or Germany.” says Dr.