To manage a permanent exit from the nicotine addiction! There is hardly a smoker, yet not in vain tried to get rid of his nicotine addiction. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out John Craig Venter. Initially good faith was quickly supplanted by withdrawal symptoms and the new handle to the cigarette was already preprogrammed. But what is it actually that the recidivism rate is so immensely high? When the nicotine addiction, a distinction is made between physical and psychological dependency. The physical dependence and the withdrawal symptoms associated abstinence has disappeared in most cases after 2-3 weeks. Looks quite different it, however, with the psychological dependency. One can say that there are 3 characteristics of the mental dependency: the smoking habit, which is bound to specific Auslosereize (after dinner, when calling…) Reinforced smoking habits by the immediate and perceived as pleasant effects of smoking (relaxation, improved concentration,…) The expectations on smoking is conditional (“If I now smoke this cigarette, I’ll calm down immediately”…) Precisely these characteristics make it difficult as a smoker, to remain permanently abstinent.
The desire to quit smoking, is of course very important, but is not enough in the long term. A preparatory phase in which you just analyze your own addictive behavior is at least as important: on what occasions reach for a cigarette? In what situations would it be hard-pressed you, in the future to do without nicotine? Why would the waiver in certain situations be hard-pressed you so? What cigarettes could you abstain from most likely? The better you are prepared, the sooner you can sensibly react later withdrawal symptoms and specific countermeasures. Also about possible countermeasures you should worry enough in the preparation phase. Of course, it would be easier if you could just walk away in certain situations. But unfortunately this is not always possible in reality.
However, you can learn to cope with difficult situations, E.g. with an easy to learn breathing techniques, sound reassuring. Work on your attitude. It is totally wrong to speak of a quit attempt. You must understand, that you simply and simply no longer want to smoke and be. That is the right attitude that you need to make a game out of a fight against nicotine addiction, you want to win. As motivation, it can be very useful if you record your own personal reasons, why you want to quit smoking. You write sentences like: “If I don’t smoke anymore, I hope that I’m less prone to infection.” “If I don’t smoke anymore, I can’t afford next year a great holiday.” “If I don’t smoke anymore, my condition improved.” Need support on your way to the non-smoking? Then I can give you my advice “Immediately be non-smoking” recommend. More information under Elizabeth Reinecke